Why motivation, willingness and discipline are harming you and why accessing the flow state is your superpower?

World’s #1 Expert in accessing and living in the Flow State.

The old way to success

A mistake I often see Elite Leaders do is that they often find themselves stuck in the cycle of high performance. What I mean by that is they believe that in order to be playing at a higher level, they need those so called “high performance habits” which are : motivation, willingness and discipline.

After all, isn’t it what every expert, coach and guru say you have to do? Be strong. Don’t show weaknesses. Push through. Keep going.

  • So, what they do is they motivate themselves, searching energy outside of them in order to move forward in their projects and reach their goals. But outside energy never works on the long run and becomes draining after a while. It’s hard to get to the finish line when you feel depleted.

  • So, then they use willingness to face their inner resistance in order to take action. They’re trying to force their actions through the resistance, to break that glass ceiling trying to be bigger and stronger than the resistance. But as long as they keep pushing through, they mostly feel exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally.

  • So, they try to discipline themselves, by forcing themselves to take action everyday, when they don’t necessarily feel good about it, day after day, pushing and hustling. They put all their focus and mental energy on it, keeping the eye on the prize, sacrificing on the way other aspects of their lives like their health or relationships.

All these things consist of fighting to get what they want, and none of them feels good.

Living life like it was battle. But does it have to be a battle?

It’s what they believe they have to do in order to get what they want because they believe they can’t get it otherwise. That it can’t be easy. It can’t be enjoyable.

Like if life needed to be hard. But does it have to be hard?

In that energy, they might be able to move forward until their project is completed and get to the finish line, but it feels more bitter or frustrating and it doesn’t feel satisfying.

Even, most of the time, when they finally get to that place they worked so hard to get to, they ask themselves “is that it?”.

They thought they would have felt proud, fulfilled or at least satisfied of themselves. But the bells and whistles they thought would come at the finish line never comes.

They rise to the heights of what society calls “success” and they feel deceived because it doesn’t deliver on those shiny promises…

And the worst part, THEY DON’T. FEEL. FREE.

Because they are trapped. Trapped in controlling every aspect of their life. And if they drop one piece of it, they fear everything might fall apart.

So what do they do?

They set up another goal and keep moving forward, fighting, grinding, hustling and forcing through resistance.

They don’t know what else to do or how to do otherwise.

What other choice do they have?

Because nobody else told them there was another way to get to that next level.

 » It’s what they believe they have to do in order to get what they want because they believe they can’t get it otherwise.

That it can’t be easy. It can’t be enjoyable.

Like if life needed to be hard.

But does it have to be hard? « 

The new way to success: Becoming Powerful Beyond Measure.

That’s why I say “High Performance is for amateurs.

The only way to live your Highest Potential is through accessing Life’s Flow State.”

The good news is, there is another way to success.

A more fun, more enjoyable and more freeing way.


Who said life could be fun and enjoyable? Life isn’t supposed to be hard?

That’s why I say “High Performance is for amateurs. The only way to live your Highest Potential is through accessing Life’s Flow State.”

Imagine yourself sitting on the moon watching the earth. Yep, let’s be crazy for a minute.

When you watch the earth from outside, you can clearly see that there is an energy that flows everywhere on the planet.

The wind responds to it. The oceans respond to it. The magma responds to it. Everything flows in perfect harmony with ease and grace. Even when you watch a pack of fish on discovery channel move together in unison you can witness that energy of flow.

This energy is life’s powerful energy. It flows through the elements, through the animals and through humans as well.

This is what gives us life and we can even feel when we have high or low levels of energy in our body.

Whether we are aware of it or not, life’s energy surrounds us and moves through us at all time. It is always there. Always accessible.

But the only specie that is disconnected from flow, are human beings.

Because we live in our heads and we lost the connection with that powerful energy.

Sometimes, we can have what I call “a flow day” where we experience the flow state.

We wake up in the morning, feeling happy, light and free. We feel connected to life, we love being ourselves and our day flows seamlessly.

When we work, we have total mental focus on what we do to a point where we lose ourselves in the task, forgetting time, space and reality.

When we are in flow, what we do doesn’t drains us, it fulfills us. It energizes us. We feel powerful because we can accomplish almost 10 times more than usual in a fraction of the time.

« In flow, we enjoy what we do, we feel deep enthusiasm and passion for our work and feel deeply satisfied, to a point where the goal doesn’t matter anymore because what we do in the moment feels significant and deeply meaningful. »

And we have fun doing it. We enjoy what we do, we feel deep enthusiasm and passion for our work and feel deeply satisfied, to a point where the goal doesn’t matter anymore because what we do in the moment feels significant and deeply meaningful.

We feel in harmony with life, connected to everything and everyone. We become infinite beings, unlimited and absolutely unstoppable.

In the flow state, we have total mental clarity on who we are, what we are meant to do in the world and what to do to make it happen.

And the best part, we don’t face any resistance.

« And the most beautiful part is that we see ourselves for who we truly are. We see that we have an immeasurable value. We know our worthiness, our importance and our significance in the world.

This is when we live at our highest potential and put our genius in contribution to life. »

We don’t doubt ourselves, we have no fear and we don’t second guess anything because we feel an unshakable confidence in ourselves and in life.

We feel an unbreakable solidity in who we are and we have a deep faith that life supports us in every possible way in our endeavors.

And the most beautiful part is that we see ourselves for who we truly are. We see that we have an immeasurable value. We know our worthiness, our importance and our significance in the world.

This is when we live at our highest potential and put our genius in contribution to life.


Being in flow is a beautiful way to live!

These “flow days” are incredible, but the only problem is that they don’t last.

Usually, these flow days aren’t normal. They are they exception.

They happen about once a month and we never know when they will happen.

And when we fall off the wagon, back into our “normal” self, it can be painful, overwhelming and we wonder what we did wrong in order to lose “our flow”.

But the reason these “flow days” don’t last is because:

  • We weren’t aware we were in the flow state in the first place
  • We don’t know how we accessed it
  • We don’t know it’s possible to stay in flow for longer periods of time
  • And we don’t know how to get back into flow

So, what do we do?

Like everything else, we try to force our way back into flow.

Like if that could ever work…

Forcing flow will never work because forcing and controlling are the exact opposite of flow!

Flow is about allowing and surrendering, so good luck trying to get back into flow with control…

But the good news is:


All you need is to know how!

Personally, I can stay in flow for several weeks in a row, and when I fall off of it, I know how to get back into the flow state within minutes!

Now, accomplishing 10x more in a fraction of the time is my new normal!

And that’s what I want for you too!

Who I am to make this claim?

So let me present myself.

My name is Emilie Paquin and I am the World #1 Expert in accessing and living in the Flow state.

I empower Elite Leaders to embody their ultimate genius and live in the flow state so they express their inner power and live at their highest potential, while being in a state of grace, feeling whole, enthusiastic, light and free.

By accessing the Flow state, my clients fully own their worth, access unshakable confidence, have absolute certainty in who they are and what they do, access unequalled performance they never imagine was possible, embody unbreakable inner solidity, and reach unlimited abundance, all of it while feeling high levels of energy, inner peace and harmony.

Through the flow state, their wildest dreams become reality rapidly and with ease because they truly become infinite beings and unstoppable, and enjoy life to the fullest!

When Elite Leaders live in the flow state, they become limitless because THEY ARE FREE TO BE THEMSELVES, while feeling pure bliss and joy.

That’s how they become powerful beyond measure.

That’s how they become the legends they were always meant to be.

Are we a good match?

I work exclusively with a select few private clients of Elite Leaders.

I empower them to access and live in the Flow State so they:

  • Live at their highest potential and put their genius to contribution to create a better world
  • Spread massive impact in a way that’s meaningful for them.
  • Make their life a work of art that is better than in their wildest dreams
  • Become the legends they were always meant to be

All of it feeling whole, enthusiastic and deeply fulfilled.

Now, my questions to you are these:

  • What would your life be like if you lived in the Flow State almost permanently?
  • What would you achieve if you were living in your zone of genius all the time?
  • How fast would you achieve it if you were absolutely unstoppable?

So, if you have enough of “high performance”, and  you feel called to become legendary, book a call with me.

I carefully select the people I work with to only « la crème de la crème », which are the people who have the most potential and are a perfect match for my work.

What I am looking for is the ones who are truly commited and ready to become true legends and create their legacy in the world.

The best, of the best of the best.

The 1% of the 1%.

In order to see if you are a right fit, I invite you to apply here :

Applicants who have this « je ne sais quoi » shine forth!

Now the ball is on your side. This is about you daring greatly!

Will you have the courage?

Can’t wait to talk to you!