“Why you don’t have an achievement problem. You have a fulfillment problem.” By Emilie Paquin

World’s #1 Expert in accessing and living in the Flow State.

The achievement problem

In this hustle culture, we strive to achieve so much in our careers or in our businesses in our day to day life. We work very hard everyday, to be more productive, to create more, to perform more.

  • Everytime we face a challenge, we grind it, crush it and push through it.
  • Everytime we struggle, we push to make it to the finish line, we force things to work out and we make them happen.

We do more. We work more. We achieve more.

We are driven by the act of achievement because we believe that someday, somehow, it will pay off.

And sometimes, it does pay off and we reap the results of our efforts. We get the promotion. We sign this big contract with our dream client. And we get the money, the dream car and the luxury lifestyle that we worked so hard for.

And what do we do next?

We keep going. Pushing harder, working even more, giving our best at everything we undertake. After all, isn’t it what made us successful?

So we show up bigger, bolder, braver than before. And in the long run, we become addicted to performing because we don’t know who we are without it.

And it’s a good thing after all, because isn’t it what’s being praised and glorified everywhere we look? This hustle culture of performance and productivity is what we see everywhere, so it must be IT! It must be what we have to do?

Or is it?

But, we don’t question it and we keep going.

The problem is that after a while, our efforts aren’t always paying off. We don’t get rewarded as soon as we thought.

Our next big project we hoped we would get doesn’t work after all.

But wasn’t performing at a high level supposed to bring us the success we were looking for? Working hard wasn’t supposed to be equal to success?

But when we look around, we see that it’s the same for everyone.

We’ve been told that in order to succeed, we needed to work hard. To aim for the moon. To accomplish big things.

We’ve been sold the idea that WORKING HARD WAS A GUARANTEE OF SUCCESS.

This NO PAIN, NO GAIN mentality was supposed to secure our wins.

Or was it?

And then we realized that we’ve been lied to.

That working hard isn’t always a guarantee of success. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

Actually, this hustle culture works like lottery : one quick win and we’re easily hooked, we never know when the payoff will come so we keep playing/working to see when we’re going to win.

So, we always want to do more. Because WE. ARE. ADDICTED.

We’re addicted to achievement. To accomplishment. Overtime, we can accomplish tons of things. We can create more and more success for ourselves. We can earn more, buy more, own more.

 » Actually, this hustle culture works like lottery : one quick win and we’re easily hooked, we never know when the payoff will come so we keep playing/working to see when we’re going to win. « 

From the outside, our lives look perfect. Even luxurious. Enticing.

But the real question here is this:


How all these accomplishments make you feel?

  • Most of the time, when we reach a new level of success, we feel satisfied. For a moment.
  • When we buy a new thing we’ve been dreaming of for a long time, we feel euphoria. For a moment.

Until the feeling goes away.

These feelings don’t last because we create all this success from a feeling of lack. Of never enough. We believe that someday, our accomplishments will make us feel like we are enough. Like we are complete. LIKE WE ARE WHOLE. However, the feeling never comes. NO. MATTER. WHAT. WE. DO.

How is that so?

Because our accomplishments are in the outside world.

And our feelings are inside of us.

As humans, we tend to believe that what we do outside of ourselves is what is going to change how we feel inside, but it doesn’t work that way! So, no matter how much we accomplish, no matter how much we achieve, WE WILL NEVER FEEL FULFILLED.


No matter what the dictionary says.

Because accomplishment isn’t synonymous of fulfillment.

Read that gain.


No matter what the dictionary says.

That’s why it gets so confusing: achievement without fulfillment leaves you empty.

The fulfillment problem

Along the way, the expectations and the pressure to achieve more became more about our external success and we lost connection to what truly fulfills us.

  • We lost the passion for what we do.
  • We lost the joy in our endeavors.
  • And the worst part is that we also lost ourselves.

We get so used to BE what we do that our work somehow became our identity. And we get to a point that we don’t know who we are without it.

Even worse, taking action has taken up so much space in our lives that we don’t know who we are without it. And sometimes, we just keep going because we don’t know what else to do. We don’t know how to stop. Because we fear how we might feel if we stop.

That’s where it plays against us. Because we can’t find fulfillment if we’re always lost in the action taking.

Because fulfillment isn’t outside of ourselves.

It’s inside of us.

Fulfillment isn’t something we do.

It’s something we are.

Fulfillment isn’t an end result.

It’s a state of being.

That’s why success can feel pretty empty when you’re missing the being part.

« Because fulfillment isn’t outside of ourselves.

It’s inside of us.

Fulfillment isn’t something we do.

It’s something we are.

Fulfillment isn’t an end result.

It’s a state of being.« 

Living in the Flow State: The only way to true fulfillment

Fulfillment is about feeling whole and complete, without having to do anything.

And knowing we are more than enough.

Feeling in alignment with who we are. Knowing who we are.

The truth is, we can only access fulfillment through flow.

Fulfillment is about feeling whole and complete, without having to do anything.

And knowing we are more than enough.

It’s about feeling whole as a person.

Feeling in alignment with who we are. Knowing who we are.

So how do we get there?

By accessing the “Flow State”.

What’s the flow state you might ask?

Think of a newborn baby.

When it is born, it is perfect. It feels whole. It feels loved unconditionally. It knows it has tremendous value, is worthy no matter what. It feels connected to all of life, to everything, to everyone. It feels connected to the entire universe. The baby has faith in life and in others and it feels secure.

And the baby doesn’t have TO DO anything to feel that way. IT. JUST. FEELS. IT.

It is his/her truth. The absolute truth.

Now, imagine this baby growing up, still feeling loved, having faith and feeling secure.

This little person lives in the « Flow State »: He/She feels capable of anything.  Feels joy and enthusiasm for life itself. Feels passionate about creating value in the world. Just pure joy. In total harmony with life.

When a person is connected to life’s flow energy, it can achieve anything and he/she doesn’t have to force to make things happen because THERE IS NO RESISTANCE!!!!

When a person “goes with the flow”, he/she takes action in alignment with life’s flow energy.

Not only it is supported by life, it is carried by life!


We feel totally free to be our true selves!

That’s when things take form naturally without effort.

And we don’t just feel fulfilled at the end of the endeavors we undertake.

We feel joy all along the way! That’s what true fulfillment is!

It’s not about the end result, it’s about feeling enthusiasm in every moment of everyday!

It’s about enjoying every part of our life!

It’s about making our life a work of art!

« In flow, we don’t just feel fulfilled at the end of the endeavors we undertake.

We feel joy all along the way! That’s what true fulfillment is!

It’s not about the end result, it’s about feeling enthusiasm in every moment of everyday! »

And to make that happen, we need to live in the flow state…

Of course, you might be proud and satisfied of the end result, but it doesn’t change anything about yourself, because you already feel complete! It’s not what you do that makes you feel whole. It’s who you are. It’s your presence. It’s owning every part of yourself.

And it’s living in the flow state that brings you in that place. Not what you do.

That’s why I say that achievement is nothing without fulfillment.


Because we become exponential and limitless.

Because when we are connected to flow, we are connected to our true essence. Our true purpose. We know who we are, we know what we’re worth and we are open to express our true genius in the world.

Now, if a newborn baby lives in the flow state, why as adults don’t we live in the flow state as well?

Because we got disconnected along the way…

And we can’t feel fulfilled when we are disconnected, living in our head, chasing the feeling.

  • Whenever we chase something, it comes from a place of lack.
  • And feeling a lack of something only creates more lack of it.

On the opposite, when we live in the flow state, we feel fulfilled right here right now.

There’s no other place to be than the present moment because we feel joyful being ourselves.

We don’t have to be or do anything else.

We just enjoy being. Living. Expressing ourselves. Creating ourselves.

This is pure bliss believe me.

Living in flow is a beautiful place to be.

But the good news is:


All you need is to know how!

Personally, I can stay in flow for several weeks in a row, and when I fall off of it, I know how to get back into the flow state within minutes!

Now, accomplishing 10x more in a fraction of the time is my new normal!

And that’s what I want for you too!

Who I am to make this claim?

So let me present myself.

My name is Emilie Paquin and I am the World #1 Expert in accessing and living in the Flow state.

I empower Elite Leaders to embody their ultimate genius and live in the flow state so they express their inner power and live at their highest potential, while being in a state of grace, feeling whole, enthusiastic, light and free.

By accessing the Flow state, my clients fully own their worth, access unshakable confidence, have absolute certainty in who they are and what they do, access unequalled performance they never imagine was possible, embody unbreakable inner solidity, and reach unlimited abundance, all of it while feeling high levels of energy, inner peace and harmony.

Through the flow state, their wildest dreams become reality rapidly and with ease because they truly become infinite beings and unstoppable, and enjoy life to the fullest!

When Elite Leaders live in the flow state, they become limitless because THEY ARE FREE TO BE THEMSELVES, while feeling pure bliss and joy.

That’s how they become powerful beyond measure.

That’s how they become the legends they were always meant to be.

Are we a good match?

I work exclusively with a select few private clients of Elite Leaders.

I empower them to access and live in the Flow State so they:

  • Live at their highest potential and put their genius to contribution to create a better world
  • Spread massive impact in a way that’s meaningful for them.
  • Make their life a work of art that is better than in their wildest dreams
  • Become the legends they were always meant to be

All of it feeling whole, enthusiastic and deeply fulfilled.

Now, my questions to you are these:

  • What would your life be like if you lived in the Flow State almost permanently?
  • What would you achieve if you were living in your zone of genius all the time?
  • How fast would you achieve it if you were absolutely unstoppable?

So, if you have enough of “high performance”, and  you feel called to become legendary, book a call with me.

I carefully select the people I work with to only « la crème de la crème », which are the people who have the most potential and are a perfect match for my work.

What I am looking for is the ones who are truly commited and ready to become true legends and create their legacy in the world.

The best, of the best of the best.

The 1% of the 1%.

In order to see if you are a right fit, I invite you to apply here :

Applicants who have this « je ne sais quoi » shine forth!

Now the ball is on your side. This is about you daring greatly!

Will you have the courage?

Can’t wait to talk to you!